Energy & Environment Business Matching Mission in Brazil (Energy Saving Solution WG)

Latin America SWG dispatched a Mission to Brazil, following the pre-mission in October. Japanese governmental head was Mr. Miura, Director for International Affairs of Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Dept. ANRE and private head was Mr.Tanaka, President of Mayekawa MFG Co.,Ltd. At Forums of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Critiba, Mayekawa MFG Co.,Ltd., Hitachi Zosen Corporation, Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd., Panasonic Corporation made presentations. They visited Petrobras, Estre Ambiental, Gafisa Eldorado Business Tower, Empires de Pesquisa Energetica, CTS Ambiental, Copel and so on.


Date: Nov.19-27, 2011