
(1) Towards global decarbonization through collaboration between Japanese companies and the government

As the climate crisis becomes a global crusial challenge, Japanese companies need to contribute to global decarbonization by actively spreading their excellent energy-efficient and renewable smart technologies and products abroad. The government of Japan is also supporting this movement toward cleaner energy transition and carbon neutrality in Asia and the world. The Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-W) was established to carry out overseas decarbonization projects and businesses through collaboration among member companies and the government.

(2) Explore Smart Energy Projects

  • Working groups are established for creating smart energy business projects through collaboration of various companies and organizations.
  • Examine obstacles to promote smart energy business and try to find solutions, by getting supports from the public sector.
  • Business Environment Enhancement for targeted countries. (Energy saving standard, introduction of business plan)
  • Formulation of financial scheme
  • Strengthen public and private network both in domestic and in abroad.

ZEB Solutions


  • ZEB - (net) Zero Energy Building - is a concept that energy input and output for buildings should be ultimately equal by introducing energy efficient and renewable equipment. In order  especially for ASEAN countries to disseminate the concept, JASE-W ZEB WG has been convening workshops and seminars in these countries to familiarize themselves with the concept and to appeal a step-by-step approach for promoting ZEB is important. The WG had also been working in the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) committee concerned (TC205), and in September 2021, this step-by step approach was issued as TS23764 (Methodology for achieving non-residential zero-energy buildings (ZEBs)).
ISO Working Group meeting at Oslo
ISO Working Group meeting at Oslo
Presentation at the United Architect of the Phillippine at Legazpi
Presentation at the United Architect of the Phillippine at Legazpi

Utilization of Renewables and Distributed Power


  • Started in 2022, this WG is trying to develop greener and decarbonized integrated power supply systems in remote islands or industrial parks etc in Asia, by introducing solar and biomass power generation as main power sources combined with batteries and smart energy management technologies. METI supports the activity in association with their proposed scheme: AZEC (Asia Zero Emission Community) which facilitates energy transition and decarbonization of Asian countries.
  • Based on the demo-project that has already been installed and operated in a remote island in Indonesia, several islands in other regions have been selected and discussions and studies are now being conducted toward international project of NEDO with close cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the national power company, PLN.
Mega PV Power Generation in Indonesian Island
Mega PV Power Generation in Indonesian Island
Discussion at PLN HQ
Discussion at PLN HQ

Turkey and the Black Sea Region


  • Focusing on surrounding countries and major cities around the Black Sea where rapid energy transition is progressing by the prevalence of natural gas and gas pipeline networks, JASE-W set up the WG in 2020 to explore energy saving potentials and cooperative energy business opportunities in this region.
  • Until now study meetings have been made among the WG members and public-private joint business mission to this area will be realized in the near future. 
  • Getting the cooperation of Japanese development assistance agencies and financial institutions, as well as a local state financial bank for regional development, the WG is seeking to organize a project for a highly energy-efficient and disaster-resilient sewage treatment system in Turkey. 
  • A joint public-private mission was dispatched to Turkey in September 2023.
Visiting the Turkish Embassy in Japan
Visiting the Turkish Embassy in Japan
Online Meeting with a Local Bank
Online Meeting with a Local Bank

Meeting with Istanbul Water Authority (ISKI)
Meeting with Istanbul Water Authority (ISKI)
Visit Water Treatment Facility in Ankara
Visit Water Treatment Facility in Ankara

Geothermal Power Generation


  • Looking for global business opportunities of geothermal power through advanced world-famous geothermal technologies developed by member companies.



  • Formulate approaching strategy toward countries rich in geothermal resources such as Indonesia, the Philippines etc.
  • Review supporting measures and policies to realize geothermal power generation projects.
  • To cooperate with METI towards realization of its advocated concept "Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC)" which aims to support energy transition and decarbonization of Asian countries, the WG resumed its activities in May 2022, with the view to study and materialize new geothermal development methods firstly focusing on Indonesia.
  • In June 2023, “Exchange Conference” was held jointly with JICA by inviting Indonesian public and private geothermal exectives to Japan. Also possibilities of geothermal projects in countries and regions other than Indonesia will be sought.
Indonesia Geothermal Development Public Private Exchange Conference
Indonesia Geothermal Development Public Private Exchange Conference

Electric Power & Thermal Management


  • To facilitate fuel conversion from coal/oil to natural gas and introduction of cogeneration systems mainly in Asia, the WG was launched in May 2022 as a reorganization and development of the previous WG established to introduce cogeneration systems (see below), with the aim to build projects in association with the AZEC concept advocated by the METI.
  • The WG has set India as its primary target and goes on hearings and discussions among member companies about the local industrial needs to understand the status of installed boilers in India etc, and is currently working to narrow down regions and industrial estates where the project potentials are high.
  • In September 2023, the WG business mission called at the State Government of Tamil Nadu to introduce Japanese once-through boiler technology etc. and exchanged opinions.
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Dept.
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Dept.

Grid Improvement


  • Construction of robust, highly efficient, and cleaner next-generation electric power transmission networks that can respond to the increase of renewable energy and digitalization is a matter of urgency in many countries.
  • The WG was established in May 2022 to seek for such project in Indonesia as a part of achieving the AZEC scheme.
  • A study working group has been established with the participation of the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the national power company, PLN.
  • Meetings and discussions are underway to strengthen inter-island electric power transmission networks in Indonesia and a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for cooperation was signed in May 2023 among the three parties.
  • With the clarification of the pilot project, relevant researches will be conducted.

Indonesia Grid WG meeting with local side

Waste to Energy


  • To seek Waste to Energy (WtE) projects in the world with the aims to disseminate Japanese advanced WtE plant technologies as truly socially and environmentally sound infrastructure system consistent with the situation of each country.



  • The Working Group on WtE was established in 2017 and they drafted Handbook for the Quality WtE Infrastructure which pursues really beneficial facilities for each country. The concept of the Handbook has been broadly announced to many countries or at conferences related to APEC, for example. 
  • Also Japanese advanced WtE technologies has been demonstrated at many opportunities such as JASE-W Business Forums and Overseas Exhibitions.  
  • To date, technical visits and basic potential studies have been conducted for the Philippines, Indonesia, Turkey, and Brazil etc.
Discussion with Local Government, Ismir Turkey
Discussion with Local Government, Ismir Turkey
Handbook for Quality WtE Infrastructure (DRAFT)
Handbook for Quality WtE Infrastructure (DRAFT)

Water Technology


  • The WG aims to develop Japan's excellent water treatment technologies and water infrastructure technologies and related equipment overseas, leading to various energy efficiency and carbon-neutral solutions, water pollution prevention, and cleaner water supply.



  • The WG was launched in July 2022.
  • Building and fostering a cooperative relationship with the city of Ulaanbaatar. The member companies will be studying to promote the introduction of excellent Japanese water purification technology to leather and textile factories and sewage treatment plants in Mongolia, and then will seek various potentials in the Middle East and Asia.
  • The WG will also be considering the possibilities of collaboration with other JASE-W WGs and ECCJ to develop activities.
Discussion with Mongolian Water Officials at JICA
Discussion with Mongolian Water Officials at JICA

Co-Generation (CHP) Promotion (reorganized to the Electric Power & Thermal Management WG)


  • For promoting Co-Generation (CHP) technologies which greatly contribute to energy saving and carbon reduction in the world, JASE-W established a Working Group for CHP Promotion in 2017. Putting special focus on Indonesia and collabolating with Japanese ministries, the WG has been made negotiations with Indonesian government and its electric power company.  
CHP presentation in Jakarta
CHP presentation in Jakarta
Meeting and discussions at MEMR
Meeting and discussions at MEMR

(3) Create business matching occasions for energy professionals

Through the following initiatives in collaboration with the public and private sectors, JASE-W will comprehensively and practically support the development of energy-saving businesses of Japanese companies. 

1) Dispatch missions to target countries to participate in Exhibitions or energy related meetings and events (including approaches using the web, etc.) 
2) Hold overseas business forums for the purpose of business development of the Japanese companies 
3) Others (dissemination of information domestically and internationally, survey analysis for discovering business projects, etc.)

Dispatch missions to target countries to participate in Exhibitions or energy related meetings and events


Missions consisting of the public and private sectors will be dispatched to countries where the possibility of concrete project realization and business establishment are expected based on  researchs and analysts. Set matching opportunities between Japanese companies and partner countries, as necessary.

Hold overseas business forums for the purpose of business development of the Japanese companies


Forums are to be held to promote Japanese energy saving and renewable energy technologies to the target countries and to carry out business matching between Japanese and local companies together with the local government.

(4) Create "Japan Brand" in smart energy business overseas - Publishing "Japanese Smart Energy Products & Technologies"-

JASE-World has been publishing, "Japanese Smart Energy Products & Technologies" of the members to disseminate smart energy products and technologies to the world and has posted it on the homepage. It has been distributed widely at various occasions such as ministerial-level meetings, exhibitions, and forums. The current issue has 86 items classified into 8 categories (factory, industries, office & building, residence, construction, transportation & logistics, power generation & distribution, renewable energy, enerrgy solutions). The data is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Portgues, Russian and Vietnamese*.

 *Currently, only English and Japanese versions are updeted annually.

Major Distribution History

  • April 2018:  Mr. Aoyama, Chairman of Planning & Operation Committee handed to Mr. Amin (then), Director General of International Renewable Energy Agency
  • May 2018: Mr. Aoyama handed Mr. Harris, Director of Various New and Renewable Energy, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia
  • July 2019: Presented to the Director General of the Abu Dhabi Energy Authority of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi visiting to the ECCJ
  • November 2019: Distributed to executives of Saudi Aramco, Saudi Electricity Company etc. during a visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • November 2020: Handed to Mr. Petrus, Commercial Counselor to the Embassy of Romania in Japan
  • May 2021: Visited the Embassy of Turkey in Tokyo and presented to H.E. Ambassador Dr Mercan  (then)
  • June 2021: Presented to Mr. Turgunov, Counsellor of the Council, who visited the JASE-W
  • August 2022: The Head of the Water Technology Working Group visited Mongolia and handed to the Minister of Environment, and Mr. Kobayashi, Japanese Ambassador to Mongolia
  • Jan. and Feb. 2023: Gave to VIP visitors at the Exhibitions of WFES in Abu Dhabi and ENEX in Tokyo
  • August 2023: Distributed at the ASEW Exhibition in Bangkok
  • September 2023: Presented to the representatives of institutions/companies at the business mission to Turkey
  • December 2023: Presented to the international VIPS at the COP28 in Abu Dhabi
  • July 2024: Gave to a high official of Thais Energy Ministry who visited the JASE-W booth in ASEW