2017 Missions & Business Forums
Russia Public and Private mission
Follow up the MOU regarding the cooperation of enegy saving business concluded between Russain Enegy Agency and JASE-W, JASE-W dispatched the mission to Moscow in the Russian Energy Week(REW) to discuss the concrete projects in Russia.
REW was held on the 4-7th October in the Central Exhibition Center "Manege" Moscow. As well as Minister Novack of Energy, President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin attended the . And many programs of roundtable and panel discussion were held such as renewable enegy, resources, oil & gas, energy efficiency in REW. (http://rusenergyweek.com/en/)
REA agreed to attend the Japan-Russia Energy and Environment Dialogue in Niigata on the middel of November and to strength mutual cooperation of energy efficient projects in Russain.

AJEEP Inception meeting
ASEAN ZEB sub working group(SWG) of Energy Saving Solutions WG, participated in the ASEAN - JAPAN Energy Efficiency Partner ship(AJEEP) held in Kuala Lumpur Malysia and introduced the concept of ZEB(Zero Energy Buildings) and ask the collaborative work for its standardization. It was well accepted and agreed by ASEAN 8 countries' officials.

Russia Mission Feb. 20 - 23, 2017
At the Japan Russia Economic Dialogue of last December when the president of the Russian Federation visited Japan, the extension of MOU regarding the cooperation of energy efficiency was signed between Russian Energy Agency(REA) and JASE-W. In order to discuss further mutual cooperation, JASE-W dispatched a public and private mission to Moscow.