Date:February 8th. 2012, 8:30-12:30
Venue: Hotel Nikko Hanoi, in Vietnam Organized by Mitsubishi Corporation Supported by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan
Key notes speaker: Mr.Hiep, Director General Science & Technology, Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam Mr.Hata, Director Global Environmental Partnership and Technologies Office, Ministry of Economy and Trade and Industry of Japan
Participants: 100 persons
As Key notes speaker, Mr.Hiep, Director General of MOIT made a speech of "Vietnam's Energy Efficiency policy and expectation of Bilateral Offset Credit Mechanism(BOCM)" and Mr. Hata of METI made a speech of "Japan's approach towards BOCM". From JASE-W's working group member MR. Moriya(Panasonic co.,Ltd.), Head of Heat pump & Inverter Working Group, introduced JASE W's activities and Japanese Smart Energy Products & Technologies, and Mr. Ueki(Sharp Corporation), deputy head of Heat pump & Inverter WG, introduced their own energy efficient products, and Ms Kim, researcher Climate Change Policy Group of the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan, one of JASE-W observers, presented a lecture about " The role in Japan assisting policy development to establish energy efficient standard and labeling." This event was introduced on the headline of the evening TV news program and appeared in the newspapers in Vietnam. In this Workshop through active questionnaires and answers we could appeal the superiority of the energy efficiencies, technologies and products affiliated Inverter to Vietnam